Indications and Contraindications when Diagnosed with MTSS

So, you've been properly diagnosed by a sports medicine doctor and you have shin splints (read: MTSS). Now what?

What can you do?

What are the key training and lifestyle indications while injured with shin splints? Here is a thorough list of activities you can/should do when recovering from shin splints.

Non-impact Cardio

Many people are worried about detraining with regards to their cardiorespiratory fitness. Fear not! There are plenty of fun and easy non-impact cardio training options at your disposal. Many of which help with shin splints as well. Below is a list to get you started:

  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Assault Bike/Airdyne
  • Elliptical
  • Stair Master
  • Jacobs Ladder
  • Ski-erg
  • Rowing
  • Resistance Training