Running Safety Tips

Running safety tips that everyone should know.

Running Safety Tips
Trail running is the best - but don't get caught off guard!

Here are a few tips to help keep you safe and sound on your next run!

Wear Reflective Clothing/Lights

Lots of us love running in the late hours of the evening or the early hours of the morning. There is something liberating about being out on a run when most everyone else is in bed asleep. But running at these times comes with a rather obvious sense of danger – limited visibility.

Like it or not, we need to be extremely visible when out for a run at night. Oncoming traffic and even pedestrians need to be able to see where we are and where we are going. Wearing reflective gear from head to toe, along with a light-vest and headlamp are great ways to ensure that people can see us at all times.

They also help us see where we are going. This is especially important for those of us who run trails where streetlamp coverage is not always the best. The last thing you want is to be running in the dark and hurt yourself because you missed a step.

Light the way and stay visible.

Pick the Right Time to Run (whenever possible)

Hand-in-hand with running in the dark is picking the right time to run in the first place. Most of us who choose to run late at night or early in the morning do so because there aren’t many people around. However, depending on where we live this can also be an added liability.