Going to the Gym for the Very First Time
Going to the gym for the first time can be a daunting experience. You wonder if you belong there. You worry about what others will think of you. You worry about making mistakes or getting in the way.
However, none of these questions or doubts are the real truth. Yes, you might make a few mistakes or need to ask a fellow gym member how to use a piece of equipment - its normal. Everyone does it and everyone goes through it. You aren't the first and you won't be the last. Heck, even after a decade of training in gyms and facilities around the world, there are still pieces of equipment that I have never used before and movements I've never done. It's normal. No one knows everything.
But, it's easier said than done, so here are a few things to remind yourself of when you first step foot in your new training space. They might just help push aside those anxieties a little quicker and get you through the door a little faster.
Be Excited
First and foremost - be excited. Change your frame of mind. Get excited about embarking on this new journey of health and wellness and achieving your own personal goals. This is a new and exciting time for you. Your first steps towards a better version of yourself, or heck, maybe an entirely new version.
Changing you environment can be scary, sure, but it should also be exciting! This is why you are here after all! So focus on that, a new and exciting adventure filled with wonderful discoveries about yourself and what you are capable of.
You Belong
It's a weird thing to say - but you belong there. Whether you feel like it or not, the purpose of any training facility is to provide people with the means to improve. And you are people. It's also exactly why you are there - to improve. You paid the membership fee, and you are training safely to achieve your individual goals. You have every right to be there.